How To Treat Tomato Poisoning In Dogs?

People love tomatoes, and they use them a lot in their cooking. Many people also like to grow them in their gardens because it’s fun and they smell great. But if you have a pet dog, you might be wondering Are tomato plants toxic to dogs? What to do if your dog eats tomatoes and gets sick? Tomato poisoning is a serious concern and can be toxic to dogs. If your dog eats them, it can lead to stomach problems like drooling, weakness, and worse.
In this article, How To Treat Tomato Poisoning In Dogs? because it’s essential to know the signs of tomato poisoning. Your dog’s health matters, so let’s get started with the info you need.

What is Tomato Poisoning?

What is Tomato Poisoning?

Tomatoes are common in homes and gardens, and we often use them in our meals. However, we shouldn’t assume they’re always safe for our dogs. While ripe red tomatoes are okay for dogs, any part of the plant that’s green can be harmful. If your dog eats unripe tomatoes, leaves, or stems, they might get an upset stomach. In such cases, it’s important to contact your vet. They can provide the right treatment, and most dogs recover well.

Many people think it’s safe for dogs to eat tomatoes because they’re safe for us. But that’s not true. Ripe tomatoes are fine, but if your dog eats a lot of unripe ones or the green parts, it can make them sick. So, if you know your dog has eaten these, it’s a good idea to contact your vet.

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What are the Symptoms of Tomato Poisoning in Dogs?

The more of the tomato plant your dog eats, the faster they might get sick. Signs of being sick from eating tomato plants are given below:

  1. Drooling a lot
  2. Not wanting to eat
  3. Upset stomach
  4. Vomiting
  5. Having runny poop
  6. Looking confused
  7. Feeling very tired
  8. Acting differently
  9. Being weak
  10. Slower thinking
  11. Big, wide pupils in their eyes
  12. Cardiac Issues

Usually, a dog needs to eat a lot of the green parts of the tomato plant to get sick. But if you have a small dog or a puppy, even a little bit can make them sick.

Immediate Actions

If you think your dog ate tomatoes or parts of a tomato plant, you need to act quickly. Here’s what you should do:

Inducing Vomiting

Call your vet to ask how to make your pet vomit at home. if they eat something that is not good for their health, like an unripe tomato, tomato plant, etc. then You need to do this within two hours.

Activated Charcoal

Activated charcoal can absorb harmful substances in the stomach. Your vet might suggest using it.

When to Seek Veterinary Help

How much tomato is toxic to dogs?

If your dog shows serious signs of illness like, Gastrointestinal upset, Vomiting, Diarrhea, cardiac issues, etc, or if you’re not sure how much they ate, get in touch with your vet right away. The vet can do tests to check your dog’s health.

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Diagnosis of Tomato Poisoning in Dogs

  1. The vet will start by checking your dog’s overall health through a physical examination.
  2. If your dog is drooling a lot or seems to have mouth problems, the vet will pay extra attention to their mouth.
  3. If your dog vomits at the vet’s office, they will examine it to see if there are any clues about what your dog ate.
  4. If your dog has diarrhea, the vet may take a poop sample to check for parasites or too much bad bacteria.
  5. The vet will do blood tests to see how your dog’s organs are working. These tests are called a complete blood count (CBC) and a chemistry panel.
  6. They might also check the packed cell volume (PCV) to see if your dog is properly hydrated.
  7. If needed, the vet may do a urine test to check how well your dog’s kidneys are functioning.
  8. If your dog has heart problems, the vet might do an ECG to check their heart’s function.
  9. If you think your dog ate a harmful plant, bring a piece of it to the vet so they can identify it and know what toxin it contains.
  10. If your dog is sick, think about whether they could have eaten a plant treated with weed killer or fertilizer, or if they might have swallowed something even more toxic.

Treatment of Tomato Poisoning in Dogs

How can I treat my dogs poisoning at home?

  • If your dog is vomiting and having diarrhea due to eating a harmful substance, the vet will start by giving them fluids with electrolytes. This helps with dehydration and speeds up the removal of toxins.
  • Your dog will be connected to monitoring equipment to track their vital signs, like their pulse. This helps the vet notice any sudden changes in their heart rate and act quickly if needed.
  • If there are heart problems or irregularities, the vet may give your dog medications to fix them.
  • The vet might make your dog vomit to remove any remaining bits of the harmful substance in their stomach. They could also use activated charcoal to trap toxins in the gut before they get into the body.
  • If your dog’s behavior or mood changes, the vet will keep them in a calm, quiet place to prevent any accidents or stress.

Preventing Tomato Poisoning

Prevention is always better than cure. To keep your dog safe, follow these precautions:

Garden Safety Tips

  • Secure your garden to prevent access to tomato plants.
  • Train your dog to avoid plants and garden areas.

Alternative Treats

Consider providing safe, dog-friendly treats like carrots, apples, or commercially available treats to satisfy your pet’s cravings.

In short, the symptoms of tomato poisoning in dogs are Drooling a lot, Not wanting to eat, Upset stomach, Vomiting, and Having runny poop, etc. If you see nay of these if your dog eats tomatoes contact the vet in time. We have tried to cover every aspect of How To Treat Tomato Poisoning In Dogs and will look for more and try to add that in the next update. How was the article? Did you find anything interesting? Let us know in the comment section below.

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FAQs: How To Treat Tomato Poisoning In Dogs?

What if my dog ate cooked tomatoes?

Still not satisfied? Here are some frequently asked questions:

Are Tomatoes Good for Dogs?

Ripe tomatoes are safe for dogs and even beneficial. They aid digestion with their fiber and provide antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals like potassium, vitamin C, and vitamin K. Plus, they contain folate for tissue growth and cell function, making them a healthy ingredient in dog food.

How much tomato is toxic to dogs?

Tomatoes are safe for dogs. Some people worry because tomatoes have a chemical called tomatine, but the small amount in ripe tomatoes won’t hurt your pet.

How long does tomato poisoning last?

Unripe tomatoes and the green parts of potatoes have solanine, which can lead to symptoms like nausea, vomiting, headache, and diarrhea. Consuming a lot can also result in drowsiness, sweating, and changes in blood pressure and heart rate. These effects usually appear within 2 to 24 hours, with diarrhea lasting for three to six days.

Is dog poisoning painful?

Toxins can make dogs feel sick, tired, and lethargic. Some toxins, such as rat poison, can even cause internal bleeding, which can also lead to lethargy.

Can a dog recover from food poisoning?

Your dog should get better on their own after food poisoning, but if they keep vomiting or don’t improve in 24 hours, it’s better to see a vet.

How much tomato will kill a dog?

Ripe tomatoes are safe for dogs and can be found in some pet foods because they are healthy. Tomatoes have fiber that helps with your dog’s digestion.

Can dogs eat tomato sauce?

Tomato sauce, like ketchup or pasta sauce, is harmful to dogs. It has ingredients like sugar, salt, preservatives, onion, and garlic, which are toxic. Don’t give it to your dog.

What should I do if my dog eats a tomato?

Even a small amount of green tomatoes or their stems and leaves can cause minor symptoms, like stomach upset in dogs. If your dog eats a lot of them, watch for any issues and contact your vet just to be safe.


By Syed Habib Ahmed

Syed Habib Ahmed is a pet lover and writer having experience with all kinds of animals. Over the years he has cared dogs, cats, horses and other pets. Before writing became his full-time career, he has worked with different vets and organization who rescue animals.

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