Why Is My Male Dog Peeing In The House All Of A Sudden?

Ever wondered why your male dog is suddenly peeing inside? It’s frustrating, right? Your four-legged friend, who is potty-trained, begins peeing inside your house. There can be different reasons for this. Sometimes, your dog might act normal but start peeing inside the house. This can happen with both young and adult dogs. To stop this, you may need to restart potty training.  If your dog is older and is peeing inside the house while struggling or if the pee is bloody, it could be due to a health issue. In this case, it’s essential to see a vet for help.

In this article, we will understand why your male dog is suddenly peeing in the house and how to deal with it. Also, we will figure out and explain reasons like health issues, stress, routine changes, etc.

8 Reasons Why Your Dog Is Suddenly Peeing in the House

By talking to your vet and thinking about what might be going on, you can figure out why your dog is suddenly having potty problems.

Territorial Marking

How do I stop my male dog from marking his territory in the house?

  1. Dogs of all ages can mark their territory with urine, but it’s more common in young, intact (not neutered) male dogs.
  2. Your dog might start marking when there are changes in your home, like getting a new pet, having a baby, or bringing in new furniture. They mark to show that these new things are in their space.
  3. Your dog can also mark when visitors come over. It’s their way of saying, “This is my home.”
  4. Sometimes, if there’s a new cat, dog, or wildlife in the neighborhood, your dog might try to claim the area around your house as their territory.

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Anxiety and Stress

  • Dogs can have urinary accidents when they’re anxious or scared.
  • Anxiety can come from things like loud noises or new people or animals.
  • Even scolding a dog for misbehavior can make them anxious.
  • Some dogs may be anxious for no clear reason.
  • Signs of anxiety in dogs can include restlessness, changes in appetite, and heavy panting.
  • A dog might have one urinary accident or several over a few days when they’re anxious or fearful.

Impact of weather

impact of weather

  1. Young, healthy dogs often have accidents inside when the weather is bad.
  2. Bad weather can include rain, thunderstorms, snowstorms, and extreme heat or cold.
  3. Dogs may be reluctant to go outside to potty during these weather conditions.
  4. Even a very windy day, even if it’s sunny, can make dogs hesitant to go out to pee.

Dealing with Urinary Tract Infections

  • Adult dogs can accidentally pee inside the house for a few common reasons.
  • One reason is a urinary tract infection (UTI), which happens when bad bacteria get into their urinary system and make them feel unwell.
  • Dogs can also form tiny crystals or hard stones in their urine. This usually occurs when something changes in how their pee is balanced (more acidic or basic).
  • Sometimes, dogs can have both a UTI and urinary crystals or stones at the same time.
  • Older dogs might even develop bladder or urinary tract cancer, which could be the cause of their pee troubles.

The most common symptoms to look for with these urinary tract issues are:

  1. Urinary accidents in the house
  2. Straining to pee
  3. Urinating more frequently
  4. Blood in the urine
  5. Odor to the urine


Why is my dog peeing when excited all of a sudden?

  • “Happy peeing” can happen in both puppies and adult dogs when they get too excited.
  • It can be triggered by things like you coming home, visitors arriving, being around other dogs, or getting a treat or toy.
  • This behavior is usually temporary and not a constant problem.
  • Some dogs might do it more often and at unexpected times.

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Changes in the Home

  1. Big changes in the house, like getting a new pet, having a baby over, buying new furniture, changing the layout, doing home renovations, or moving, can make your dog pee inside.
  2. Even small changes, like having visitors, altering your daily routine, or changing your work or school schedule, can also lead to your dog having urinary
  3. Changing the time you take your dog for a walk can sometimes cause pee problems too.

Cognitive Issues

  • Old dogs with cognitive or brain problems might have accidents where they pee in the wrong place.
  • Dog dementia, which happens in older dogs, can make them feel confused and restless. This confusion can lead to them peeing in the wrong spot.
  • Some brain diseases in dogs can affect the nerves that control the bladder, causing urinary accidents when they can’t control their pee.

Metabolic/Endocrine/Other Disease

  1. Various factors can lead to dogs having accidents when they urinate.
  2. These factors include drugs like steroids, toxins, and diseases such as diabetes, kidney issues, Cushing’s disease, liver problems, and prostate problems.
  3. The urinate accidents can occur suddenly or get worse gradually over time.
  4. Dogs with these problems may also show signs like increased thirst, reduced appetite, tiredness, stomach problems (like diarrhea and vomiting), or skin issues.

How to Stop Your Dog From Peeing in the House?

How do I stop my dog from having submission urination?

If your best friend (your dog) is peeing in the house, it can be frustrating. Don’t punish them in any way, like yelling, scolding, or using a crate, as it won’t help and might make things worse. Be patient and figure out if it’s a medical or behavioral issue.

Medical vs. Behavioral

  • Check your home and routine for changes.
  • Observe your dog’s behavior, eating habits, and urine.
  • If the accidents happen indoors but everything else is normal, it’s likely behavioral.
  • If there are other symptoms or unusual urine, it’s probably medical.

Going to the Vet

If your dog is having urinary accidents inside the house, take them out more often or use potty pads. If the issue continues, see your vet. They’ll check for problems and ask about any changes. Tests may be needed to find the cause if your dog has other symptoms.

In short, dogs can pee because of territorial marking, anxiety, stress, the impact of weather, urinary infection, over-excitement, etc. We have tried to cover every aspect of why your male dog is suddenly peeing in the house, will look for more and try to add that in the next update. How was the article? Did you find anything interesting? Let us know in the comment section below

You may like to read: What Smell Do Dogs Hate to Pee On?

FAQs: Why Is My Male Dog Peeing In The House All Of A Sudden?

What Smell Do Dogs Hate to Pee On

Still not satisfied? Here are some frequently asked questions:

Why is my male dog peeing on the floor all of a sudden?

Sudden changes in a dog’s behavior, like getting too excited or feeling anxious when left alone, can make them start peeing inside the house. Not giving them proper training or not training them enough can also lead to accidents indoors.

Why is my potty-trained dog suddenly peeing in the house?

If a dog that was previously potty trained starts peeing or pooping indoors, the first step is to check for possible health issues. This could include problems like urinary tract infections, bladder inflammation, kidney disease, bladder stones, or age-related incontinence.

What causes a male dog to start peeing in the house?

Dogs may pee inside the house for different reasons. They use urine to communicate, like marking their territory, showing stress or anxiety, or because of hormones in male dogs that haven’t been neutered.

How do I know if my dog has a urinary tract infection?

Dogs with UTIs pee a lot when they go outside. It might look like they’re having trouble peeing or they cry out because it hurts. Sometimes, you might see blood in their pee. If they’re dripping pee or licking their private parts often, it could mean they have a UTI.

How to stop grown dogs from peeing in the house?

  1. Set a schedule for regular outdoor bathroom breaks.
  2. Reward them when they pee outside.
  3. Supervise them indoors and limit access to certain areas.
  4. Clean up accidents properly.
  5. Consult a vet if needed.
  6. Use training and be patient.

What smell do dogs hate to pee on?

Dogs dislike the smell of vinegar because it’s acidic, just like lemons and oranges. They are more repelled by the smell of vinegar than they are by lemons and oranges.

What should I spray on dog pee?

In a spray bottle, combine 1 cup of white vinegar, 1 cup of water, and 2 teaspoons of baking soda. Shake well, spray on the stain, wait a bit, and then blot with towels to clean.



By Syed Habib Ahmed

Syed Habib Ahmed is a pet lover and writer having experience with all kinds of animals. Over the years he has cared dogs, cats, horses and other pets. Before writing became his full-time career, he has worked with different vets and organization who rescue animals.

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