Why Is My Dog's Poop Soft?

Why Is My Dogs Poop Soft? This is a commonly asked question among dog owners.  As a dog owner, you must be aware that a dog’s poop can tell you a lot about their health. When you see yellow poop etc or become, this can be alarming.

Whether your dog’s poop is initially solid and then becomes soft, or it gradually gets softer during the day, it’s important to understand what might be happening and when to worried or when not to.

Soft dog poop can be due to various factors like diet and digestive problems. Soft stool means your poop isn’t solid or firm; it’s like soft-serve ice cream. If it continues, it can turn into diarrhea, which is a more serious problem. In this detailed article we will figure out each and everything about soft stool in dogs and answer all of your questions.

Types of Soft Poops in Dogs

why is my dog's poop soft with mucus

Dog stool can be characterized by several factors

  1. Color (like brown, light brown, yellow, green, or red)
  2. How it feels (like hard, soft, or watery)
  3. Look for mucus
  4. Look for blood, and note if it’s streaks or completely mixed in.
  5. If there’s blood, describe its color and consistency (like bright, dark, or tar-like)

If your dog has issues with runny poop, you can break it down into different types.

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Soft Dog Poop with Mucus

Dog poop with mucus can happen for the same reasons as when a dog has soft and squishy poop. These reasons include an upset tummy, eating the wrong stuff, changing their food too quickly, having food allergies, or having tiny bugs in their tummy.

Soft-Serve Dog Poop

Sometimes, when a dog has watery and shapeless poop that looks like soft-serve ice cream, it might mean that their tummy isn’t happy. This can happen if the dog eats things from the trash, munches on stuff in the garden, or has a diet change too suddenly. Stress can also play a role. And sometimes, a pesky parasite might be causing this loose stool before it turns into full-blown diarrhea.

Orange or Yellow Soft Dog Poop

If a dog’s poop is yellow or orange, it might be because they ate something yellow or orange. But sometimes, it could be due to a disease called exocrine pancreatic insufficiency. You can find out if it’s the disease by taking your dog to the vet for a special test.

You may like to read: Why is my dog poop yellow?

6 Reasons Why Your Dog Stool May Be Soft

reasons why my dog poop is soft

1. Sudden Diet Changes

Many dog owners switch their dog’s food for variety or better nutrition. If you’ve changed your dog’s food, consider two things

  • Transition Gradually: Changing food suddenly can upset their stomach. Ideally, introduce the new food slowly                     over  a few weeks, unless it’s raw
  • Check Ingredients: A drastic change in protein levels, type, grains, or specific ingredients could cause allergies.                    Compare the ingredients between the old and new food.

Also, remember that changing both the brand and type of food can take time for your dog’s digestion to adjust. Be patient with the transition.

2.  Stress

Dogs, like us, can get stressed, leading to soft stools. Stress may be due to routine changes or major life events, like moving or a new family member. Find the stress cause and establish a routine. Don’t change their food during this time, as it could make things worse if not handled carefully.

3.  An Infection/Disease

While your dog may seem healthy, there’s a chance they could have an infection or disease. These issues can be easily picked up when your dog eats something outside, drinks from puddles, or interacts with other dogs.

If you notice blood or mucus in your dog’s poop, it might be due to parasites or other health problems. To be sure, you should have your dog tested for infections and diseases. Also, make sure your dog is up to date on vaccinations and deworming.

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4.  Allergic/Sensitive to Certain Proteins/Ingredients

Some dogs have sensitive stomachs, and a single ingredient in their food can cause soft poop. Figuring out the culprit can be frustrating, as each dog is unique. Testing for food allergies is available but not always reliable. Consider consulting your vet before trying an elimination diet, which should be done safely to provide your dog with the right nutrients. Keeping a food diary and noting poop changes can help in the process.

5.  Pancreatic And Liver Issues

Pancreatic insufficiency happens when the pancreas doesn’t make enough digestive enzymes. This can result in problems with digestion and frequent loose stools. Liver problems can also lead to soft or oddly colored stools, like yellow or green poop.

6.  Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD) – Intestinal Issues

Inflammatory bowel disease in dogs is a long-lasting problem where their stomach and intestines become swollen. Dogs with IBD may have signs like lots of pooping, loose stool, and losing weight.

7.  Large Breed Dogs Struggle More With Digestion

Larger dogs have shorter intestines than smaller ones, which can lead to digestive problems and soft stools. Research suggests that these big dogs need more insoluble fiber (like cellulose) in their diet to prevent watery stools. They also require easily digestible proteins and carbohydrates that break down quickly in the gut to avoid fermenting in the hindgut, which can cause loose stools commonly seen in large breeds like German Shepherds.

How To Prevent Soft Dog Poop In The Future?

How To Prevent Soft Dog Poop In The Future?

If your dog has soft poop, here are some simple tips to help prevent it:

  1. Feed your dog high-quality food for healthy stools. Avoid fatty and sugary treats.
  2. Add fiber to their diet with veggies like broccoli, and sweet potato, or switch to high-fiber dog food.
  3. Ensure your dog drinks enough clean water to prevent constipation.
  4. Keep your dog active to maintain a healthy digestive system.
  5. Be aware of food intolerances or allergies and consult your vet if needed.
  6. Consider using probiotics to regulate their digestion and stool consistency.

In short soft poop in dog is because of sudden diet changes, stress, infection, Allergy , liver issues, intestinal issues and digestive issues. We have tried to cover every aspect of why is my dog’s poop soft and smelly, will look for more and try to add that in next update. How was the article? Did you find anything intresting? Let us know in the comment section below

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FAQs: Why is my dogs poop soft?

why is my dog's poop soft and smelly

Still not satisfied? Here are some frequently asked questions:

What does it mean when a dog’s poop is soft?

Soft poop in puppies is common and usually not serious. It can happen due to diet changes, eating something unusual, or a mild tummy infection. But watch out for signs of serious illness like parvo.

What does unhealthy dog poop look like?

Soft or shapeless dog poop may indicate a health issue. Look out for blood, mucus, strange objects, or dark, sticky poop as other signs of a problem.

Is it OK if my dogs poop is soft?

If the poop is very soft and hard to pick up, it’s called diarrhea. The colon usually soaks up water from the gut, so if the poop is too loose, the colon might not be working right. Some dogs use their poop to mark their territory.

What foods help dogs with soft stools?

Bananas provide potassium and can firm up a dog’s stool. Oatmeal is a gentle, easy-to-digest grain that soothes upset stomachs in dogs. Boiled eggs offer nutritious protein for dogs with diarrhea.

What 12 foods stop diarrhea?

The list consists of basic foods such as oatmeal, bananas, plain rice, applesauce, boiled potatoes, toast, plain crackers, pretzels, and skinless, fat-free baked chicken.

Does yogurt help diarrhea?

Yogurt can help with diarrhea for most people, but if you’re lactose intolerant or allergic to lactose, it could make it worse. If you want to use yogurt as a home remedy for diarrhea, pick one with probiotics and low sugar.

What home remedy can I give my dog for diarrhea?

You can improve the taste by adding a bit of unsalted chicken broth or a spoonful of baby food for pets. For digestive issues, you can use canned 100% pumpkin puree, pet-safe pumpkin powder, or special canned pumpkin for dogs. It works for both diarrhea and constipation.



By Syed Habib Ahmed

Syed Habib Ahmed is a pet lover and writer having experience with all kinds of animals. Over the years he has cared dogs, cats, horses and other pets. Before writing became his full-time career, he has worked with different vets and organization who rescue animals.

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