What Is Bordetella In Dogs?

Do you know What Is Bordetella In Dogs?  No! don’t worry, you are not alone many dog owners are not aware of this. But when it comes to keeping our four-legged friends healthy, it’s important to know about different diseases and health problems. One thing dog owners should be aware of is Bordetella, which is the most common respiratory illness in dogs. In this article, we’ll try to learn about what causes Bordetella, what signs to look for if your dog has it, how to treat it, and how to prevent it.

What is Bordetella?

what is kennel cough in dogs?

Bordetella bronchiseptica is a virus or a type of germ that can make dogs sick by causing problems in their respiratory system or breathing. It’s one part of a group of illnesses in dogs that can make them cough a lot, have trouble breathing, and get infections in their nose and throat. People sometimes call this group of illnesses kennel cough or a doggy cold. It is a condition similar to the common cold in humans.

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What are the Causes of Bordetella?

  1. Bordetellosis is a common respiratory disease in dogs caused by Bordetella bronchiseptica bacteria.
  2. It spreads through coughing or sneezing, affecting the lungs.
  3. It’s related to whooping cough in humans but is caused by a different Bordetella species called Bordetella pertussis.
  4. Other bacteria can invade the respiratory tract when bordetellosis is present, leading to issues like pneumonia.
  5. Bordetellosis easily spreads from one dog to another, so vaccination is important if your dog socializes with others.
  6. If your dog is infected, keep them away from other dogs.
  7. Humans can’t get bordetellosis from dogs, but they can carry the bacteria on their hands and spread it to other dogs.
  8. So, it’s essential to disinfect your hands, water bowls, and toys if your dog might be infected.

Symptoms of Bordetella In Dogs

What are the symptoms of a dog with Bordetella?

  • The most common symptoms of Bordetella in dogs are Dry, hacking cough, and sometimes retching.
  • Many people say it sounds like a ‘honking’ cough.
  • May also include watery nasal discharge.
  • When it’s not too bad, dogs eat as usual and stay active.
  • Often linked to recent contact with other dogs or boarding.
  • Severe cases: Lethargy, fever, loss of appetite, pneumonia, and potentially death.
  • Severe cases mostly affect immunocompromised or unvaccinated puppies.

How do you diagnose Bordetella bronchiseptica?

When it comes to diagnosing this condition, it mostly relies on the symptoms and recent contact with other dogs. Sometimes, doctors might use tests like bacterial cultures, viral checks, or blood work to figure out what’s making them sick. these tests aren’t commonly done due to unique symptoms.

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Treatment: Bordetella In Dogs

There are two treatment options, and it depends on how bad it is.

  1. Mild (uncomplicated) cases
  2. Severe (complicated) cases

Mild (uncomplicated) cases

If a dog has a mild case of Bordetella, then the dog has no need for antibiotics, it gets better on its own with rest and staying away from other dogs. But if the dog doesn’t get better or gets worse, it’s a good idea to consult the vet.

Most Severe (complicated) cases

Here is what you should do in severe cases

Antibiotics And Cough Suppressants

In the most serious cases of Bordetella in dogs, it’s better to consult to vet immediately, and the doctor might give you antibiotics. These medicines can make your dog feel better and stop complications. Sometimes, the doctor might suggest cough medicine for the dog to help them feel better and get well soon.

Protect Your Dog with Bordetella Vaccination

What age is Bordetella vaccine given?

  1. Try to keep your dog away from other dogs, especially puppies, if you can.
  2. If exposure can’t be avoided, make sure your dog gets the right vaccinations.
  3. Standard vaccines, like the 5-way or 7-way vaccine, protect against some causes of tracheobronchitis, like parainfluenza and adenovirus.
  4. Keep In mind that, these vaccines don’t guarantee full protection from the disease. They can help make the illness less severe if your dog does get infected.
  5. There are two types of Bordetella vaccines: one you inject and one that goes into the nostrils.
  6. Neither vaccine can completely stop Bordetella infection.
  7. If you choose the injectable vaccine, your dog needs two shots, 3-4 weeks apart, and protection kicks in about 1-2 weeks after the second shot.

This was the deep analysis of What Is Bordetella In Dogs? What are the symptoms and How to treat this? We have tried to cover every aspect of the topic and will look for more and try to add that in the next update. How was the article? Did you find anything helpful? feel free to tell us in the comment section below.

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FAQs: What Is Bordetella In Dogs?

Can dogs recover from Bordetella?

Still not satisfied?? Here are some frequently asked questions

How does a dog get Bordetella?

If your dog goes to spots where they meet other dogs, like doggy daycare, the groomer, dog parks, or boarding places, they might catch a virus that leads to a cough and other breathing problems. Dogs mostly get this Bordetella virus by breathing in tiny bits of bacteria.

How is Bordetella detected?

Culture is the top choice for scientists because it’s the only way to be 100% sure you’re dealing with Bordetella pertussis. There are some other tests, like PCR and serology, that can also be done.

Can dogs spread Bordetella to humans?

The simple and direct answer is NO. Dogs can’t spread Bordetella to humans. But they can spread Bordetella or kennel cough to cats, and other dogs.

Is the Bordetella vaccine necessary for dogs?

The Bordetella vaccine isn’t needed for every dog, but it can help protect your dog from getting sick if they’re around other animals that might have the disease.

Can a vaccinated dog get Bordetella?

Kennel cough can come from different germs like the parainfluenza virus, even if your dog has had the Bordetella vaccine. That’s why it’s important for dog owners to know the signs of kennel cough, just in case their dogs catch it from somewhere else.

By Syed Habib Ahmed

Syed Habib Ahmed is a pet lover and writer having experience with all kinds of animals. Over the years he has cared dogs, cats, horses and other pets. Before writing became his full-time career, he has worked with different vets and organization who rescue animals.

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